Product Catalog

Produvisa guarantees the quality and safety of its glass containers for consumer needs, from the youngest of the house to the wisest.
Discover our range of glass containers

We are more than packaging

We provide a comprehensive service to our customers

Personalized Attention

We provide integral and personalized technical guidance to our customers.

National After-Sales Service

We have highly productive human talent that will constantly provide you with personalized attention.

Response Time

We value our customers’ time; we comply with the agreements in the dispatch of their containers.

Technical Advisory

We adapt to the requirements of our strategic partners to meet their business needs.

Reliability of Supply

As a leading company in the Venezuelan market, we fully guarantee each stage of supply.

Product Quality

We manufacture glass products with high quality standards in compliance with safety regulations.

Circular Economy

We focus our production on environmental conservation, making responsible use of resources.

Packaging categories

We have a wide range of packaging for both the beverage and food sectors.

Soda containers

We have returnable and non-returnable glass containers, with different designs and sizes, guided by our client’s taste and preference.

Food containers

For the food sector, our containers cover a wide range of designs, suitable for all human consumption products, providing the best packaging option.

Beer containers

Our designs reflect experience and unique moments, to help take your brand to a higher level.

Liquor containers

Our long trajectory and passion for what we do have allowed us to create and design iconic bottles, where details stand out in the eyes of the customers.